{a foto food journal}

Thursday, January 21, 2010

world wide web diet

I've been internet deprived for the past week and it feels kinda funny. Not funny funny where I was feining for wifi like a crack addict...a good kinda funny. Like a breath of fresh air. Anyway, during my internet diet I started to dwell over the purpose of this blog. Originally I wanted to blog as a way to improve my photography skills though food fotos, but I was apprehensive about the writing part because 1) I'm a horrible writer 2) I'm an even worse speller and 3) I really don't think i have anything interesting to write about. And then I started to wonder if anyone was going to actually see my blog or even become frequent visitors. Gaaah so much pressure. Then it hit me.

Blogs are personal.

All those worries should be thrown out the window and I should just blog in any style/format that I feel like on that given day. Because at the end of the day this url should reflect who I am...or in my case what I eat. So with that said I have to admit that I'm trying to reintroduce chicken into my diet. Mainly because I get food envy when I see the savory chicken dishes my friends devour, but also because I need variety. I'm not saying that I'm going to go hardcore and join the Chick Fil A advertising team...I'm just gonna give chicken a second glance as I roll through the produce aisle or the poultry menu section. So anyway, welcome to my blog where I share pictures and stories of what I eat...every day. Atleast I'll try everyday...

Here's a virtual cupcake for all my followers. Thanks for looking!


1 comment:

  1. girl, you crazy. you're a fantastic writer and your photography skills are splendid.

